Cultural Heritage Studies
Liz McNiven
Liz belongs to the Paroo River peoples, the Budjiti, and lives on her traditional country. She sits on the Budjiti Aboriginal Corporation (BAC) board of directors, a registered native title body corporate, holding and managing native title lands and waters, on behalf of Budjiti peoples, within the Paroo River watershed country of southwest Queensland, Australia.
Read MoreGhil'ad Zuckermann
Professor Ghil‘ad Zuckermann (DPhil Oxford; PhD Cambridge, titular) is Chair of Linguistics and Endangered Languages at the University of Adelaide, Australia.
Read MoreMichael Pickering
Michael Pickering is an Independent researcher with a focus on First Nations Heritage. He is an Honorary Associate Professor with the Department of Heritage and Museum Studies at the Australian National University. Between 2001 and 2022, Dr Pickering was the Director and Senior Advisor in the National Museum of Australia’s Repatriation Program. He is also special advisor for repatriation matters to the Centre for Australian Studies.
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