Cultural Heritage in Western Australia: New Perspectives – Guest Lecture by Prof. Peter Veth Thomas Batchelor2021-06-30T17:03:06+01:00Uncategorized|
Qualifying the Sacred: Levels of Meaning in Australian Indigenous Objects and the Impact on Repatriation – Guest Lecture by Dr. Michael Pickering Thomas Batchelor2021-06-22T14:58:57+01:00Current Events, Talks/Lectures|
Djäkamirr: Caretaker of Pregnancy & Birth screening Thomas Batchelor2021-05-10T17:12:17+01:00Indigenous Voices, Upcoming Events|
Fire, Water and Land in Indigenous Australia Thomas Batchelor2021-03-11T04:24:27+01:00UNESCO Year of Indigenous Languages|
Museums, Provenance and the Repatriation of Remains Thomas Batchelor2020-11-12T18:44:42+01:00NAIDOC Week|
Repatriation: The Leipzig Mission and Kaurna People Thomas Batchelor2020-11-10T16:52:41+01:00NAIDOC Week|